Vertigo and Dizziness


Vertigo and Dizziness

Living with vestibular problems can be challenging, but with the right support and guidance, individuals can achieve significant improvements in their symptoms and quality of life. We are committed to empowering individuals with vestibular disorders to regain stability, overcome limitations, and embrace life to the fullest

The vestibular system, located within the inner ear, is responsible for maintaining balance, spatial orientation, and eye movement control. When this intricate system is not working properly individuals can experience symptoms such as vertigo, dizziness, imbalance, and nausea.

Vestibular disorders encompass a range of conditions that affect the vestibular system, including benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis, persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD) and vestibular migraine, among others. These disorders can arise from various causes, such as infections, head trauma, inner ear abnormalities, or the natural aging process. Symptoms vary in severity and duration, but they often have a significant impact on mobility, function, and overall quality of life.

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Physiotherapy plays a pivotal role in vestibular rehabilitation. Our specialist vestibular physiotherapists conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify the underlying cause of vestibular symptoms so that we can develop a tailored treatment plan that addresses specific impairments and maximises recovery potential. There are a range of different options depending upon the cause of the symptoms.


For people with BPPV, which is characterised by brief episodes of vertigo triggered by changes in head position, we can do canalith repositioning manoeuvres to alleviate symptoms and restore vestibular function.


Vestibular disorders can affect eye movement control, leading to visual disturbances and difficulty maintaining focus. Gaze stabilisation exercises involve training the eyes to remain fixed on a target while the head is moving, improving visual stability and reducing symptoms such as oscillopsia (blurred vision with head movement) and dizziness.

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We use balance exercises and proprioceptive training to improve balance control, reduce dizziness and unsteadiness, and enhance postural stability. These exercises challenge the vestibular system and help people to regain confidence in their ability to maintain balance during daily activities.

A large part of our role is to educate people. We aim to empower people with knowledge about their condition and self-management strategies as this is essential for long-term success. Our physiotherapists provide education on vestibular anatomy and function, as well as practical tips and strategies to manage symptoms and prevent exacerbations.


If you or a loved one is suffering with dizziness or vestibular problems, we would love to help! Contact us today to find out how we can help you and take the first step towards improved balance, function, and overall well-being.

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